• Father of the computer – Charles Babbage.
  • Father of the modern computer – Alan Turing.
  • Basic Architecture of Computer: John Von Neumann (1947-49).
  • First Programmer: Lady Ada Lovelace (1880).
  • First Electronic Computer: ENIAC (1946) – J.P. Eckert & J.W. Mauchly.
  • The first computer for the home user introduced – IBM in 1981.

Full form of Computer:

  • C – Commonly
  • O – Operated
  • M – Machine
  • P – Particularly
  • U – Used for
  • T – Technical
  • E-Education
  • R – Research

Computer – An Introduction

  • A computer is a device that can receive process and store data.
  • However, all computers have several parts in common:
  • Input devices allow data and commands to the computer (Mouse, Keyboard etc.)
  • Memory for storing commands and data.
  • Central Processing Unit which controls the processing.
  • Monitor Process the information in the form of output.

Types of computers

Computers range in size and capability. There are supercomputers, very large computers with thousands of microprocessors that perform extremely complex calculations.

There are tiny computers embedded in cars, TVs, stereo systems, calculators, and appliances. These computers are built to perform a few number of tasks.

Desktop computers

  1. Desktop computers design is made for use at a desk or table.
  2. They are typically larger and more powerful than other types of personal computers.
  3. The main component, called the system unit, is usually a rectangular case that sits on or underneath a desk.
  4. Other components, such as the monitor, mouse, and keyboard, connect to the system unit.


  1. The Laptops are lightweight mobile PCs with a thin screen.
  2. Laptops can operate on batteries, so you can take them anywhere.
  3. Unlike desktops, laptops combine the CPU, screen, and keyboard in a single case.
  4. The screen folds down onto the keyboard when not in use.

Handheld computers (PDA)

  1. Handheld computers, also known as personal digital assistants (PDAs), are battery-power computers small enough to carry almost anywhere.
  2. These are useful for scheduling appointments, storing addresses and phone numbers, and playing games.
  3. Some have advanced capabilities, such as making telephone calls or accessing the Internet.
  4. Instead of keyboards, handheld computers have touch screens that you use with your finger.

Peripheral Devices

  1. The peripheral device connects to a computer system to add functionality. Examples are a mouse, keyboard, monitor, printer and scanner.
  2. A computer peripheral is a device that connects to a computer but is not part of the core computer architecture.
  3. The core elements of a computer are the central processing unit, power supply, motherboard and the computer case that contains those three components.

Types of Peripheral Devices

  • There are many peripheral devices, but they fall into three general categories:
  • Input devices, such as a mouse and a keyboard
  • Output devices, such as a monitor and a printer
  • Storage devices, such as a hard drive or flash drive


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